Snow falls gently upon frozen ground
This eve of Christmas Eve
Birds puff feathers to keep warm
While sitting on branches laced with frost
Clouds are filled with winter's light
The landscape has been transformed this day
A wonder to behold
As I move now through this fairy tale
A crunching beneath my feet I hear
Oh how I love this sound
Reminding me of days long ago
When life was simple
Hours were filled with snowballs, icicles
Skating and sledding in this winter wonderland
Now my children’s children do these things
Life pushes on
A snowflake caught as my lashes flutter
I smile and remember the fun I’ve had
I raise my face to the heavens above
Catch some crystals on my tongue
Another magic moment
Another magic moment
I may not be able to do all of the things
That I was once able to do
Many moments forgotten as time passes
This I do remember
Carefully I lay on this fresh blanket of white
An angel now grows its wings
Moving arms and legs
I fly
May you too find time to grow your wings
~ Merry Christmas to all ~
Connie Cuthbertson ~ 2011